2022 - Week 03

Week three was a transition.  Coming off of one project at work, and on to another.

Coming from not having really taken care of myself in a while when it comes to my health, to picking up that mantle again.

Snow.  Lots of snow, and cold.  Very cold.  

The chickens are doing pretty well over the winter, am happy about that.  Having that supply of eggs has been worthwhile.

Disjointed update, this.  The truth is, week three is behind me by days now.  Should have posted on the 21st, and now we're a few days into a new week.  This post is an after-market deception.

My side project of diving deeper into game-design is going well.  There's a lot of energy in the conversations, and excitement, but there's a need to keep pushing forward and to continue to complement our skillsets with each other.  I, as usual, want to know how to do everything.  That will come, but I need to focus on a few other things first.

This week will be a short update, so be it.

-- – – – – - –

post haste, past,
quickly on from then
to tomorrow when
i can say i didn't see you there
in the shadow of my mind
lighting a match, or trying to,

this time it struck and flickered
i could see your face again
but time and shadow still insisted
that was too long ago now
to care about really
but i could still feel the dagger
in the heart

i felt it twisting, the creation of another me
that made a different choice
and we now coexist,
or part of our brainstem does
so sometimes he takes over
and that match gets struck again
and i can see your eyes in those shadow

