2022 - Week 04, 05, and 06

2022 - Week 04, 05, and 06

We're in new project territory at work, which has me hyper-focused on my work in a way that ends up being pretty unique to the first quarter of an engagement. It's the data intake mode that allows me to set a foundation of solid work and team communication. To know where the gains can be made, to acclimatize to the water so to speak.  So I've been busy.

Watercolors.  My wife is an acrylic painter, and was urging me to pick up a brush and join her from time to time, so I settled on watercolors for my experimentation. I hadn't really ever considered watercolor before, but elements of how you're supposed to layer watercolor onto the page appeal to me.  The image attached to this post is my first Saturday experimentation.  I picked up a kit for the kids as well, so hopefully Saturday's will see us paint as a family and play with art.

There's not much new to report. Probably there's heaps to report, but as I sit here with a headache incoming and my bed a mere door away, it's calling pretty hot and heavy right now.

G'night folks. Hope your lives are still all on the rails, and if not, I hope at least the scenery is nice.

